In February, I was so stressed out from school already that my sweet husband bought me an hour long massage (it was HEAVENLY) and he took Josh to the Monster Truck show in SLC. Here are some of the pictures they took. Josh took all of the pictures of the monster trucks himself. His favorite truck was the one with the Mohawk.
He had to use rifle ear protection because it was so loud. He loved it and can't wait for his daddy to take him again.
This winter I have had a hard time with, well I think it is Raynaud's but I have not been to the doctor so who knows. My toes go bright white and completely numb. This happens in the cold but it also happens the first half of zumba. It seems to be related to my bad circulation because it is as if I have no blood in my toes. There is no capillary refill when I pinch my toes when this is happening. It is mostly annoying and somewhat painful, although during zumba it can be more of a pain because I can't feel what my toes and the balls of my feet are doing.
Excuse the bad nail polish. It is hard to get a good picture of it. Anyway, now that I showed you pictures of my feet (gross) I will show you a cute picture of my son when he fell asleep.
Yes, he is kind of standing. Now I have a bunch of pictures from Easter:
And here is my son trying to eat Ramen with the biggest spoon in the house.
And last but not least, a family portrait that Josh drew. I labeled it but if you can't read it it goes from left to right: Tyler, Sharon, Josh, me. He was sad because he forgot Turtle. I am not sure what a psychologist would say about this. Tyler and Sharon have a lot of scribbles and are red. Me and Josh are plain, and Josh is tiny. I recognized Tyler right away because of the beard. I love the face Josh has, he is the only one with any kind of face.