Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zombie Halloween 2011

LOL!! He looks like he is so upset about the chips!!

Josh was so freaked out by Tyler he had to go to bed early. Strangely, he didn't act as if I looked strange at all. Not sure what that says about me.

This is part of a series of pictures we took that tell a story of Melissa being attacked at a party. This is the best picture. I want to crop it and frame it.

And this is how our confrontation ended, because as Melissa said, if there was a zombie apocalypse, she would of course have a shovel in the dining room.

Tasty baby!

So creepy.

Awwww! Cute family

I don't know why I didn't get pictures of Rick and Abby, they looked so amazing. I am sure they have pictures somewhere if you are interested...which you should be. And although you can't tell by the pictures, I swear there were more people there. I don't know why I didn't take pictures of more people.


  1. Those pictures are awesome! The one with Melissa hitting you with a shovel actually looks like you are being hit.

  2. HAHAHA love these :) but as for asking us for pictures...well... we kinda forgot to take pictures, so we will have to get dressed up again sometime soon and do a photo shoot.
