Monday, November 28, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Chirstmas...

Josh made me a Christmas gift already. While I was at the Research Symposium, Josh kept stacking up his cereal. Tyler asked if he wanted to glue them on something.

Isn't he cute?

And here is a better picture of his creation. It has candy, cereal, buttons, a key and a picture of us.

We also decorated the house. Here is an advent calendar that Sharon got for Josh. He loves it but not because there is candy in it (there isn't) but because it is actually a festive war zone...duh.
As you can tell by the dead sheriff hanging out a window above Santa.

And a dead ninja dude (killed by either the nutcracker soldier guys or Pez Captain America. Oh and of course, what everyone is fighting for, the treasure in the little door!

I am not sure what exactly these guys are doing shoved into this little house but there were a lot of gun shots involved.

I have been using the "Santa is watching you" method of getting Josh to be good. The other day Tyler was joking around that he was going to break an ornament. Josh gets really serious and a little bossy, gets Tyler's attention and says, "HO!" then uses his entire hand to point at his eyes and then point at Tyler. Translation: "Dad, Santa is watching you!"

1 comment:

  1. He's such a creative little guy! You should be a proud mommy.
