Monday, February 4, 2013

So he won't be a doctor...

Josh is terrified to have his teeth pulled. He won't let us do it. He will let his teeth hang on by a thread while they literally spin 360 degrees in his head. It drives me and my husband crazy. It is like an itch you can feel but someone else tells you you can't scratch. This last weekend he had a tooth that not only was crazy loose but also looked super painful. His gums above it were a reddish purple and it just looked...ow-y. So I literally held him down and pulled it out. He seemed shocked at how easily it came out. He was mildly upset at the attack but as i got out an envelope for it he seemed to be forgiving me. I thought, "What a nice time to teach him a little about his body!" So I pulled the tooth back out and showed him where the root was and where the chompy end was and how cool it was in general. I had just put it up to my own gums to show him how it was situated in his mouth when he promptly fainted. At first I thought he was joking. His eyes went weird and kinda rolled around, he fell backwards into Sharon's arms (luckily she was sitting behind him)and she slowly lowered him to the ground. I was not absolutely sure he fainted until he hit the ground and looked startled, scared, and completely confused why he was on the floor. As his terrified crying mixed with my laughter, I hoped one day to hear this experience from his point of view.

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