Tuesday, December 17, 2013

School friends

I have made friends at school.  Friends that mostly know the school me so now that we are nearing the end and getting out of the school mode they are a little disconcerted by me.  First of all, they all know me as Katherine.  It totally freaked them out to find out my name to everyone else is Katie.  Blew their minds.  Some of them call me Katie to freak me out but then they find I didn't notice the difference and it is only their fellow students that are freaked out.  "You have been LYING to us for 3 years?!"  Yup.  And I never once until now thought about how awkward this might be.

We had to take the color personality test for one of my classes.  I guess that nowadays it is popular for HR departments to make employees take this test and then learn how to work with other "colors" productively.   If you have never taken it and you are interested HERE is the link.  Take it now and then come back to the story.  Your answers are supposed to reflect how you felt as a child, not necessarily now with the thought that who you are as a child is who you truly are.  We do change but deep down at our core we often feel like we did as children, we just learn to react differently.  Anyway, I took it and you shouldn't be surprised, I am a white (peace seeking) with almost as much blue (relationship seeking) and very little red (power seeking) or yellow (fun seeking).  My school mates were shocked.  You see, school Katie (or Katherine I suppose) is very much a leader, a little bossy, not afraid of making decisions or of conflict (all very against white personalities).  "You're not a red?!"  Nope.  "But...you don't act like the other whites."  I think the difference just that.  I feel the same as the other whites but I have pushed myself to react differently.

Anyway, I think that it is funny that here at the end I am surprising my fellow classmates so much.  I have worked hard to create this tough leader "Katherine" persona.  It is the same one I use for doctor's offices.  Come to think of it, that is where it all started.  I began writing "Katherine" for my name at Josh's doctor's offices and I had to learn to stand up and fight, fake confidence until I convinced people, and be extremely vocal of my opinion.  I like this Katherine however, I never thought how weird it might be for other people.

I am not exactly sure where I am going with this to tell you the truth.  It has just been on my mind.

1 comment:

  1. I was overwhelmingly a red, with a good chunk of blue and small slivers of white and yellow. It is strange to me because 1) I've always wanted to be a yellow as long as I can remember, but I've never had the chance and 2) I have never, ever sought power for power's sake and only take it because others are incompetent with it and being in charge gives me more money to be (and less criticism for being) a yellow. If I had my choice, I wouldn't work another day in my life and I'd wander all over the place learning everything and nothing at the same time and being utterly and completely useless to anyone else. But that will never happen *sigh*
