Saturday, June 25, 2011

Things I want to remember from this week...

My son is a toughy. He rolled a 4 wheeler and by the 7th day, all his scabs have come off and he looks normal again. Let's not do that again honey.

Josh has been taking "trips". He says goodbye to everyone then rides off in his wiggle car or tricycle. He may or may not "call" you to talk to you while he is gone. Then he rides back over and insists on everyone cheering for his arrival. Hugs and kisses for everyone. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I am pretty sure I caught Josh arguing with his shadow. He was leaning over, looking at his shadow, yelling and shaking his head "no". He would also shake his finger in a "no, no, no" fashion. Very Peter Pan.

We went to the movie at the park with Abby. They were playing Tangled. Josh was so excited to see the Disney castle at the beginning. When he sees that he knows it is a movie for him. He clapped and yelled his approval all the way to the beginning of the movie. He had me hold him the whole time. I had one of those moments where you try to suck in every detail, every sensation so you can appreciate it and hopefully remember how wonderful it was. How he smells, how his hair feels on my cheek, the way he giggles when someone is hit by a frying pan. He still fits so well on my lap. I will cry the day he outgrows it.

We went to our city celebration thingy and saw "The Flying Ninjas" (a gymnastics, acrobatic, group, some dressed like ninjas with a VERY loose story line). So much fun. Josh loves ninjas so he watched with such intensity that I don't think anything could break his focus. I tried to get him to go give one a high five afterward but he was too shy. In between performances, all Josh wanted to do was play the instruments at one of the vendors. He would play the drums until someone else came along and wanted to play, then he would play a keyboard. The moment their butt left the seat he was back over at the drums ready to play again.

Josh pooped in the potty today! He felt that he was going and asked to be put on the potty. He still hasn't peed in the potty but I feel that this is a big step. We will see how the next few days go.

Olivia Kate was born today. She is so sweet and beautiful. And Chantelle didn't look like she had even broken a sweat! Neither of them was red or mottled, not even a hair out of place! I can't wait to see them again.

It has been a great week. I hope I can remember it.


  1. Katie! I LOVE YOU! I love your kid! I love your Blog! You are awesome! Its been so great to spend time with you again recently! Thanks for being such a good friend, for being such an amazing mom, and everything else :)

  2. Ah shucks! We need to hang out more. Sure we see each other on pizza nights some times but this week has made me realize that is just not enough for me. I love the both of you.
