Sunday, January 3, 2010


For months I have been telling myself and others that I have done everything that I could to get JT to talk but I cannot make him do it. Watching Christmas Carol a month ago, an old idea hit me a new way. Bob Cratchit says of Tiny Tim, "He said he hoped people would see him (at church) because it might be good for them to remember on Christmas Day who it was that made lame beggars walk and blind men see." I just started crying.

I do not know what God has planned for JT but I have not done everything before I focus on getting help from Him. I am not talking just having it in my prayers, that was already there. Since I was out of school I focused on doing what my religion preaches. I also told my Heavenly Father that I understood if he had other plans but I have worked so hard to get JT to talk and I know I can not make him do it. But I also know that He has worked many miracles everyday and He has worked many miracles with JT but I selfishly would like another. All I wanted for Christmas was to hear my son speak.

It didn't happen before Christmas but a few days after he pointed at a picture of Santa and said, "HO!" I asked him to say it again but instead of giving me a defeated look as usual, he looked right at me and said, "HHHO!" I couldn't believe it! Then I asked him the question I ask everyday. "Who am I?" Instead of signing mom he said, "Mmmmma!" I cried.

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