Thursday, April 12, 2012


Setting: My house. Josh is 4 years old and despite repeated desperate attempts at potty training, he is still in diapers. Josh came into the room clutching about 1/4 of an unpeeled banana in his hands. *sniff* "Phew! Josh you stink! Let's change your bum!" Into the bathroom. Feeling lazy so I lay him down to change him (plus it is much easier when it is a poopy diaper). I notice that his poo looks all smashed and weird. Keep changing him. Meanwhile, he still has the banana, but he isn't eating it, he is just holding it. As I am putting on a new diaper he starts shoving it in my face. Not wanting to waste, I go ahead and eat it. He giggles. Time to wash hands! That is when I realize...he has poo all over his hands. The same hands that were clutching the banana that now feels like it may be coming back up my throat. I ATE A POO BANANA! *sigh* Oh well, I guess we will see if I get horrendously ill in the next 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I have to apologize for laughing at this. I'm SO sorry, but thats a pretty funny story. *gag*
