Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Josh, I have to admit, currently (and for the last 2 or 3 years), I hate putting you to bed. You like to run away, hide, yell, scream, kick, all the while laughing your head off. After I have fought and forced and held you down to get the bedtime routine done, we may or may not read (which I actually enjoy) depending how naughty you are. Not fun for me. However, there is one thing about bedtime that I absolutely love. After all the craziness and frustration, I turn off the light and I hear a little, "mom". I hear a little hand patting the bed. If there is enough light I can see your little smile as you lightly pat right next to you. When I lay down next to you, you grab my head and hold it against your chest tightly. I can't help but start to whisper about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. After about 45 seconds, while still holding my head tightly, you whisper, "go!". "you want me to leave?" Head nod. It is only 45 seconds of a 15-25 minute ordeal but that 45 seconds means the world to me.

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