Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Been waiting to hear these things....

So Josh and I will play on his ipad program so he can see different areas that he does not regularly use. One such time we went to "Friend Chat". He had fun pressing buttons and listening to what they said. Then he pressed, "friend". He looked at me, pressed it again, and pointed at me then him. "I'm your friend?" (he nods yes). "Of course I'm your friend! You are my friend!" Then he presses, "I like you" and gives me a hug. "Oh buddy, I like you too. I like you so much that I love you!" (nods his head yes). We don't get as many chances for him to express himself as other kids. He can't say exactly what he means when he wants to, but we are getting closer. I am so glad that we have the ipad and that he can begin to express all of these things that I have been waiting to hear. By the way, I am well aware that "friendship" is not what parents are going for. However, in our situation, I am his playmate, protector, confidant, interpreter,and advocate as well as his disciplinarian, caretaker, etc. If that does not make us friends I don't know what does.


  1. This post melted my heart a little... and Of course you're his friend, he's a kid. There will be a time when he doesn't think that you're being a good friend because you'll need to be a parent first and thats a good thing. I do think it's important, as parents, to know our children well enough throughout their whole lives to consider them friends though (at least on our part). Otherwise, I think you'll lose them to people who do know them well and you'll have a hard time knowing what things you should be doing for them as a parent. They have to know that they can talk to their parents as easily as a friend so that as a parent we can help them overcome the struggles they will face. Not sure if I just repeated myself a bunch.
    Sounds like you nailed your most recent problem though. Getting Josh an Ipad thats helping him communicate easier has to be taking so much anxiety out of his life and yours. Good job knowing your kid well enough to meet his needs. You Rock!

    1. No, YOU rock! I feel the same way about needing to be a friend to a degree but you say it so much better than I do. Thanks, you really are a good friend.

  2. That is wonderful! Josh is such a sweet kid.
