Sunday, September 30, 2012

Getting ready for Halloween

We are getting ready for Halloween already. I believe that Halloween should last at least one entire month. Josh chose his costume.
Josh is afraid of everything this year (did I tell you guys about the zombie mask and my accidental scarring of Josh?). He also believes that sometimes I am a vampire. Sometimes he points at my teeth and insists they are vampire teeth. Other times he thinks they are normal. So our house is pretty tame this year. He is afraid of blood, bugs, bats, rats, but interestingly, does not mind skeletons. In fact, he has been hiding toys under his pillow to sleep with and this is what I found under there this morning:
Very weird what does and does not scare this kid.


  1. Your son is amazing. He makes a great Spiderman (and you make a great mom!).

  2. arms folded pose is the cutest!!!
